SlurryKat Farm Shoe
Low Cost, Low Emission Slurry Spreading
The SlurryKat Farm Shoe is available in 6m, 7.5m, 9m, 10m & 12m and is the perfect entry level product for an individual farmer. The Farm Shoe can be used as part of an umbilical system or with a tanker.
SlurryKat design and manufacture the complete unit of tanker and trailing shoe for seamless performance.
This is part of the SlurryKat Trailing Shoe range which includes the Farmline Trailing Shoe and the Premium Plus™ Trailing shoe which is perfect for large farms and Contractors.
SlurryKat design and manufacture the complete unit of tanker and trailing shoe for seamless performance.
This is part of the SlurryKat Trailing Shoe range which includes the Farmline Trailing Shoe and the Premium Plus™ Trailing shoe which is perfect for large farms and Contractors.
This is not a direct replacement of our Farmline or Premium Plus™ trailing shoe models and will not offer the same solution of performance.
If retrofitting to a dribble bar checks shouldbe made to its suitability as this may damage the dribble bar and may void warranty.

30 YEARS OF SLURRY HANDLING EXPERIENCE Less Fuel, Less Compaction & More Productivity
Information on specifications, prices and lead times can also be obtained from your nearest SlurryKat Dealer. View our Dealer Locator.